I can't believe that we are only three and a half weeks till Santa comes to the studio! November 4th and 5th are the dates this year, in case you missed it. Saturday is almost full, and we have several appointments left on Friday. What is special about a visit with Santa at Bentley's? Where […]

Saturday afternoon after my last appointment I headed out on an adventure with two of my photographer friends. It was supposed to be a trip to talk about photography and photograph in the Cades Cove area. Since I had to work later than everyone else we met up in Gatlinburg that night so we could […] "A ghost town is an abandoned town or city. A town often becomes a ghost town because the economic activity that supported it has failed, or…" (Wikipedia) Will Winder be the next Ghost Town? As you look around town at the old buildings, and the new ones, and see them vacant do you ever stop […] This is just a quick post about things that I heard yesterday. For the last couple mornings we have been doing fall school pictures at a preschool. Over the two mornings we photographed children from the ages of two to four and the things we saw and heard were priceless. One fun thing was reading […] Looks kind of wrong doesn't it? Did he mean photographers photographing? No you read it right. It's one of those awkward things being asked to photograph another photographer. You feel kind of like you are being critiqued or judged as you are working. They can also be high pressure sessions because you want to be […] |