Remember when you were a child how your mother used to say, "You are wishing your life away" when you would be wishing summer would hurry up and arrive? And now that you are older you know just what she meant. When our children were babies we would try and help them learn to crawl […]

This week we celebrated Valentines day and it made me reflect on friendships. It could be because I received some portraits that Chance and I had taken last fall from a friend. It could also be because three of my closest photography friends helped me out last Friday night photographing a gymnastics center. Or it […] In just a month the Easter Bunnies will be hopping in the studio! It is amazing how fast it comes every year, and I am glad these winter months do pass quickly. The Bunny sessions are for any child as long as they are sitting up on their own. Clothing choices that look best are […] This has been a busy week at the studio with a lot of sessions and computer work to do before tomorrow. Tomorrow is when I leave on my last great road trip of the month, and the last one for a while. It seems like the nations eyes are on Florida and the Florida Primary, […] January is usually a really depressing month. Normally we run nonstop in November and December and then when the slow month of January hits we twiddle our thumbs. Well most professional associations figured this out so they started scheduling conventions and schools in January and February. Funny thing happened this January, we have been busy […] |