Sept. 29thYou asked for it and we are bringing it back. Football season is upon us and we would love to photograph your boy of fall. Load up his gear and meet us at the studio, or on the field for this football session. This is great for all ages. Can't make it on the […]

ONE DAY ONLY! Sept.. 8th Ok, admit it. You hate your child’s picture from school. Year after year our Better Than School Pictures is a huge hit. A quick 15 minute session with packages starting at only $25. You can choose your favorite pose or we can choose for you. This year’s background is sure […] Our newsletter is back from the printer and we have it ready to mail, but we always like to let you know things here first! Over the next few days we will be posting some of the exciting things planned for this fall and winter. Today is just a quick post to let you know […] If your images aren't on your walls or in frames or albums where do you keep them? Since the age of digital cameras has come along more and more images never make it to print. Often, the images that do get printed are printed on poor quality papers. So where does that leave the original […] August 9th and 10th One of our favorites, especially with weather like we have been having. This is a candid session for kids to enjoy! We'll be serving up lots of melty ice cream and popsicles for the kids to enjoy while Mike gets some great summer shots of them eating up! You'll love this […] |