January brings a new year and a new start. What better way to begin the new year than a new look for your business portrait. Your photo says a lot about your business. Often it is the first thing people see, so that first impression means everything. Be sure to update your portrait often, you don’t want to have a portrait that was done 10 years ago and someone not recognize you when they meet you in person. And you really don’t want a snapshot in front of a brick wall or at a party representing you on the internet.
We are here to help you get the business portrait you need. Business portraits can be done on location or in our studio, and we can use anything from your office as a background, professionally painted gray, blue or red to plain white. Whatever impression you are trying to make, we can help you achieve it. Give us a call and let’s discuss your ideas.
For large offices we can offer discounts to help you update your staff’s business portraits. Nothing looks better than a consistent look for your website and business cards.



Bentley Photography
Business Portraits