All Is Not Lost
Our hearts go out to the Class of 2020 as they navigate this unsure time with COVID-19. We know your hearts are breaking as school, sports, graduations, and get-to-togethers are canceled while you sit at home waiting for this time to pass. We are praying that school will be back in session by May and you will still get to enjoy a few weeks of your senior year. It should be a time to celebrate you and all you have achieved in the last 4 years.
Parents, family, and friends of seniors, both high school and college, please know that many of them are in mourning of their senior year and what they are missing right now. Their time to shine academically, in sports on the field and spending time with friends has been lost for now. Senior year is not only a time of fun and celebrating achievements but also a time of closure as they move into the next season of their lives.
Seniors, we are keeping you, your family and friends in our prayers and know that we will continue to celebrate you at Bentley Photography! We are honoring all seniors from the Class of 2020 and will be posting photos daily on Instagram highlighting the many seniors we have had the privilege to photograph this year! Check them out here!
In the meantime, keep your chins up! Warm weather is here so get outside! Enjoy your time at home with family, walk your dog, catch up on TV shows, play games, listen to music, dance, go for a hike, listen to podcasts, bake cookies, eat cake. So many things you never have time to do! It’s not often, if ever, that the world stops and we get to remember what is truly important in the grand scheme of life. It may not be what you planned but when life is back to normal, the time you have gained with family and these new, unexpected memories you have created will be a blessing.
Much love to all of you,
Mike and Chance Bentley

Bentley Photography
Winder, GA