Fried Okra Chips & Bunnies!

What a title!  You must be wondering what in the world those have in common and I will have to admit – not much.  Lets start with the Bunnies since it is this shorter subject and the one you care most about.  This is to let everyone know the dates before we mail our newsletter, which is in the works as I type.  The Easter Bunnies will be at the studio on March 31, April 1 and April 2, 2011.  We are taking appointments now.  Appointments are every 30 minutes and are for children 6 months and above, they must be able to sit on their own.

Earth Fare

Now for the Okra Chips.  If you are from the south and love fried okra and always thought that it would be wonderful if they would just sell fried okra at the theatre I have found what you have been dreaming of.  Monday I stopped by Earth Fare on my way home from Athens and you wouldn't believe what I found!  Just after passing the fresh vegetables and trail mix I saw a big stack of Okra Chip bags!  Whole okra fried and in zip lock bags.  Even loving okra as much as I do I was sceptical at first, but had to buy a bag.  Before we got to the car I had the bag open and couldn't believe how good they actually were.  They are lightly salted, very crispy and delicious.  Today I did a search on Google for "Okra Chips" and found where you can order them, or you can just go by Earth Fare in Athens and get a bag of you own – I might get another bag today.

Okra Chips, or what is left of them.