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Monthly Archives: November 2009For those of you that missed Santa last month, he will not be able to make it again this year. So just to let everyone know early we have him booked for November 4-6, 2010. You have almost a year to prepare so be sure to put this down on your calender and call early! Tutus and Pearls for Little Girls. One of our most popular sessions we have offered in years is coming back December 4th. And then for the boys "Little Guys in Ties" is coming back on December 11. We provide tutus and ties, or you can bring your own. Both of these sessions include an 8×10, […] All of these sessions are great for Christmas cards and gifts. This Friday we are having our Sugar Plum Dreams sessions in our Christmas bedroom. Next Friday is Winter Wonderland, when it snows in the studio. Bring your warm fuzzy sweaters and scarves and join us in our winter wonderland of fun! We have […] Last week Chance took several things to the cheer leading competition for the hospitality rooms. One of the things she took was this cheese spread, and she has had requests for the recipe so I am putting it here for everyone. 2 – 8 oz cream cheese 1 – c chopped pecans 2 – tbsp […] |